
Top 9 Marijuana Side Effects of Weed

The 9 Side Effects of Marijuana
riff-raff-dry-mouth-marijuana-side-effectsWhile most people are familiar with the term “munchies” that can occur because of marijuana use, there are many more side effects that users need to be aware of. Here we will go over nine side effects that are both short and long-term effects found in cannabis users.
We had to update this list to add the #1 side effect of weed…drum roll please?
Its high eyes (red and bloodshot eyes) see Riff Raff to the left.
1.Dry Mouth
Many users are very familiar with a side effect commonly known as “cottonmouth” that occurs from the lack of saliva production after smoking marijuana. According to a survey that was published in 2003 in the Addiction Research & Theory, 79% of those who smoked marijuana experienced dry mouth. Senior Cannabis Counselor at CanvasRX Johnathan Werynski states that mostly frequent users of the drug experience this symptom the most, because of the amount of cannabis they consume on average. This can be minimized by chewing gum or food, as this causes the salivary glands to produce more saliva.
2.Increase in Appetite
Most people are aware of this side effect, even if they are not marijuana users. Commonly known as the “munchies”, many smokers will find that they have a sudden and urgent increase in appetite, often binge-eating on unhealthy foods. To date, scientists are still not positive on why this occurs, but a study done in 2015 suggested that the plant may activate specific pathways in the user’s brain that are related to hunger.
Many people view this particular side effect as negative, but marijuana use can be extremely beneficial for those who lose their appetite because of chemotherapy. A pill that contains THC, known as Marinol, is currently available for patients diagnosed with cancer in certain countries.
A report done in 1992 found that dizziness was a side effect reported by 60% of participants who completed the study. This occurred after users would stand up after smoking. A decrease in blood pressure was also recorded, providing a plausible explanation for this type of effect. However, there are studies that are showing that a frequent marijuana smoker can develop a tolerance to some of the short-term effects of the plant, including dizziness.
4.Lack of Motivation
There is a widely known stereotype that recreational marijuana users lack motivation because of their drug use. This cliché may be exaggerated at times, but there may be some value to it. A survey done in 2003 reported that 53% of marijuana users did, in fact, experience a loss of motivation after use.
This loss of motivation may be supported by understanding how marijuana affects the brain. There are some studies that suggest that those who have used marijuana for an extended period of time experience lower levels of a chemical known as dopamine. Dopamine is responsible for motivation.
5.Memory Impairment
There are studies that have shown that marijuana users typically experience short-term memory loss. Other marijuana studies have suggested that cannabis can impair all stages of memory. Younger users of the drug may be even more at risk for memory loss than older users. A study completed in 2011 indicated that memory problems may be more severe for adolescent marijuana users and could leave a lasting impact. However, frequent cannabis users often become more tolerant to some of the memory issues the drug can cause.
Cannabis has been proven to help individuals fight depression, yet there are cases that show it might have the exact opposite effect. Research has suggested that marijuana use has the ability to cause depression in mostly younger users. Another study published in the British Medical Journal in 2002 has concluded that teenage girls who used marijuana frequently were more likely to experience depression in their later years.
However, it is very important to remember that there are many types and degrees of depression. Different people may experience depression in various ways because of marijuana use.
While many people enjoy the feeling of relaxation that cannabis use can bring, still many others state that they have feelings of paranoia and increased anxiety because of the drug. According to Werynski, there is documented evidence found in medical literature concerning the effects of THC on anxiety levels.
A study done in 2015 concluded that THC did indeed increase paranoia for those who have previously dealt with this symptom. However, the study also revealed that this wasn’t directly caused by the THC found in the plant. Paranoia may be a byproduct caused by different effects of marijuana, as well as the feeling of experiencing the “high” that is associated with marijuana use.
In the late 1980’s a study was published that stated that any patient with an existing anxiety condition, or who were prone to panic attacks, were more than likely to experience increased anxiety levels after smoking marijuana.
Werynski notes that CBD is now actually found to help reduce anxiety in users.
8.Lung ProblemsMarijuana can have damaging effects on a smoker’s respiratory system, the same as cigarette use. Dr. Mitch Earleywine, a researcher and professor who works at the State University of New York at Albany, explains that lighting the plant on fire does indeed create respiratory irritants. Many studies have concluded that anyone who smokes marijuana may have to deal with different types of respiratory problems, such as coughing, wheezing, and bronchitis.
Werynski advises that people should not indulge in cannabis anymore and instead should use a vaporizer or vape pen.
Anyone who partakes in any drug, whether illegal or prescribed, will be faced with the risk of addiction. Cannabis use is no exception. For someone using cannabis on a regular basis, there can be actual physical and psychological withdrawal symptoms. The cannabinoid receptors must be adjusted back to their normal levels when a person stops using marijuana, and this is what can lead to withdrawal symptoms. About 42% of users who participated in a 2010 study reported that they experienced symptoms after trying to quit marijuana, such as decreased appetite, difficulty sleeping, and irritability.
Many people insist that marijuana is not addictive, but researchers are standing firm on their findings. Dr. David Gorelick, who works at the University of Maryland School of Medicine, has stated that marijuana is a psychoactive drug. He says that the drug will activate the brain reward regions the same way that other abused drugs do, such as cocaine, meth, alcohol, and tobacco.
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